Thursday, July 8, 2010
8 Ways to Combat Menopause Hot Flashes Naturally
View her blog post below on 8 ways to combat menopause hot flashes naturally.
My name is Stacey Rosen, president and CEO of At Last Naturals. I'm a long time reader of Yahoo Shine and excited to write my first blog post. Today's topic will be about natural ways to combat hot flashes, but will be creating more blog posts in the future.
There are many symptoms that come with menopause but the most talked about symptom is definitely hot flashes. Some women can experience up to a dozen hot flashes in just one day making it difficult to sleep and making it hard to focus on their daily activities. Hormonal Replacement Therapy is one effective way to relieve hot flashes but with that comes many side effects and risks. There are many alternative ways women are discovering everyday to relieve the severity of their hot flashes,. Some of the best and most effective ways are listed below.
1) Dress Appropriately- Hot weather can make hot flashes even worse, by wearing cotton clothes and allowing your skin to breathe you can decrease both the occurrence and severity of these hot flashes, especially in the heat.
2) Watch Triggers- Everyone is different and a variety of things can trigger hot flashes in different people. It is important to pay attention to what you were doing or eating before your hot flash. You may begin to notice a trend and find out what your triggers may be. Common triggers are alcohol, caffeine, hot food, hot tubs, saunas, smoking, sugary food and spicy foods.
3) Relax- Stress can also be a common trigger for hot flashes. Giving yourself just 10-15 minutes a day of complete relaxation can greatly decrease your amount of hot flashes. Yoga and many deep breathing exercises can help relax your body and cool down.
4) Flaxeed- Along with its laundry list of other health benefits, Flaxeed can reduce hot flashes and even ease other menopause symptoms. Consuming 1 tablespoon of ground flaxeed each day may not affect you immediately but after a month of two most people will experience extreme relief from hot flashes.
5) Herbs- There are many herbs that are known to have estrogen-like properties that can help control your hot flashes. Some of these natural herbs include sage dong quai, red clover and the most effective and commonly used, black cohosh.
6) Natural Progesterone Cream- 2% progesterone skin cream works in about 85% of perimenopausal women. Using as little as ¼ tsp once a day can begin to have a positive effect on hot flashes. This can be bought over the counter or it can be prescribed.
7) Soy- In all forms soy can be beneficial but its recommended that you obtain soy from foods that contain it rather than from supplements. Tofu, tempeh, miso, soy milk, whole soybeans, texturized vegetable protein and soy power are all foods that naturally contain soy.
8) Exercise- One of the more commonly effective natural relief is exercise. Exercising at least 30 minutes a day doing any kind of cardio even if its just simply taking a walk can help prevent hot flashes. Exercising improves circulation and can help your body to cool down more effective during a hot flash.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Top Seven Gifts for Mom on Mother’s Day
2. A Lucille Roberts Gym Membership – This might sound like an unorthodox Mother’s Day gift, but a membership to the leading women’s gym and health club is the gift that keeps on giving. With a Lucille Roberts gym membership, mom can enjoy the health benefits of exercise classes, weight loss programs, tips and diets as she gains access to personal training and exclusive diet products. Sign up for a membership for one low price so that mom can take advantage of unlimited visits and classes run by weight loss experts with the knowledge to deliver the results mom desires. Choose from a $15 per month no-commitment membership with $49 due at registration, a 2-year $15 per month membership with $1 due at registration, and a paid-in-full membership for $249.
3. Lauren Hutton’s Mother’s Day Special – Valued at $139 and available now exclusively at for the sale price of $49, Lauren Hutton’s Mother’s Day Special includes everything mom needs to look radiant and beautiful as ever. The Mother’s Day Special features Lauren’s favorite tortoise shell design Face Disc, her Aqua Elements loose powder, plus her award-winning lip liner. In this gift set, mom will also find a Lauren Hutton Natural Lip Duo complete with a lipstick and lip tint, an interchangeable lip balm pot, a coffee massage bar, brown cosmetic bag and keepsake box. Top off this gift set with a fold out brochure of Lauren’s best-kept makeup secrets from her modeling career and mom is sure to appreciate this one-of-a-kind Mother’s Day present.
5. Loving Words to Her Deluxe Jewelry Box – Start with any title across the top, choose from eight pre-written verses or your own special verse, and then end with a 2-line sentiment to be printed on the top of this exquisite jewelry box. The backdrop of your personal message to mom features an enchanting floral design created by watercolor artist Ellen Wehrmann, complete with blooming hydrangeas, brilliant colors and intricate detail. The Loving Words to Her jewelry box, crafted from beautifully rich, mahogany-finish wood also features soft, cream velvet fabric interior lining perfect for protecting the contents. Mom will also love the three removable compartment trays and ring storage area found inside this deluxe jewelry box.
6. Oprah: A Biography – Since it is arguably the most influential television show in history, chances are mom is fan of the Oprah Winfrey show. That said, it would come to no surprise if your mother knew all about Oprah’s life story, from her past sexual abuse and romantic relationships to her weight problems, charitable donations, spiritual beliefs and strong views on the state of the world. However, according to Kitty Kelley, author of Oprah: A Biography, there is still much to learn about one of the greatest figures of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Give mom this controversial book this Mother’s Day and leave her surprised, thrilled and thoroughly entertained.
7. Bain D’esprit Sunflower Spa Bath and Body Gift Set – Fans of this popular scent describe it as an energetic, refreshing and seductive aroma that makes them feel good all day long. Included in this bath and body gift set mom will find everything she needs to freshen up, relax and smell great, along with a personalized gift message from you. This bath and body gift set features a Sunflower scented shower gel, body wash, bubble bath, body lotion, four bath fizzies, bath salts, fragrant Potpourri, sisal back scrubber, loofah, oval body massager and exfoliating bath poof – all presented in an elegant bamboo straw basket.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Top Ten Unique Gifts for Groomsmen
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Tax Club Investigates: The Taxes of Blogging, (while Blogging on Taxes)
As we begin to rely more on the World Wide Web for our every day needs, entrepreneurs are learning different ways to use the internet to generate income. Sure, the “Dot Com” era might be something for the business section of the news, but not everyone needs the Wall Street Journal or a high-tech understanding of computers to learn how to make a dime. For example, a lot of people have taken up something that’s as old-fashioned as apple pie and book clubs: sharing hobbies!
Monday, February 22, 2010
10 Ways to Get on the Front Page of Reddit
1. Submit Something "Reddit-Related": Find random shit around the house, make it look like a Reddit alien, snap a picture of it, submit it to Reddit and watch the upvotes come! If you're not that artistic or creative, find an article that mentions Reddit positively (or better yet..a celebrity who mentions that they love Reddit) and that will do the trick. Just make sure it's not your lame blog that nobody has ever heard of. You'll find yourself here:
2. Make fun of Nickelback: Just like the rest of the world, Reddit hates Nickelback. Find a clever way to make fun of these no talent ass clowns and the Reddit community will adore you. Are there Reddit users who are indifferent towards Nickelback or even ones that like them? Sure, but they are greatly outnumbered by the ones who hate them.
3. Use a Credible Source (Preferably the Original One): If you find a great video, do NOT post it on your blog and then submit the blog link to Reddit. That folks is called spam and will get you nothing but downvotes. "But what about getting traffic to my blog?". Trust me, randomly spamming isn't the way to do it. You might not see the immediate benefit, but building up karma and trust is key to achieving success on Reddit or most other Social Media communities.
4. Be Transparent: Don't make believe that the website you are submitting to Reddit isn't yours. Be open and honest about it. As long as the content you are submitting is worth reading, Reddit won't necessarily care that it's your content. That being said, this doesn't mean you can submit your stuff all the time, but it is okay to do it every so often. Again, just don't be obnoxious about it. When doing it, be transparent with your submission headline. You can include "my view on x" or "a picture I took of x"..whatever makes the most sense.
5. Are you Interesting? Do an AMA!: AMA stands for "Ask me Anything" and there is a popular subreddit for it ( The subreddit actually stands for "I am A", but you get the point. People are curious nature so if you do something unique for a living or have been a part of something interesting, do an AMA.
6. Advertising: If all else fails or you just have money to kill, you can advertise your content on Reddit. It won't appear mixed in with the other front pag stories, but will show up above them on the rotating banner.
7. Remind Everybody How Long it Is Since Sean Hannity Promised to be Waterboarded: This involves simple math so if addition isn't your thing you might want to forget this. April 22nd (I believe) was the date that Sean Hannity promised to be waterboarded for charity, claiming that it really isn't torture. Just a heads is and Sean hasn't followed through with his promise. Make sure if you go down this submission route to wait at least two weeks after the previous Sean Hannity waterboarding reminder.
8. Hate on Digg: Make fun of Digg (kind of like what I did in my opening paragraph) and most of Reddit will love you (while others will say "why all the hate?"). Create a cartoon that compares Reddit to Digg (with Reddit looking far more superior of course) and Reddit will love you even more.
9. Share Your Porn Collection: I usually see at least one or two NSFW (Not Safe for Work) submissions appear on the front page of Reddit at any given time. Come across a great nude pic? Share it with the Reddit community.
10. Do a Follow Up Submission: This works especially well with a "Self" submission. If you had something that reached the front page that calls for a follow up (i.e. You asked Reddit how to break up with your girlfriend), create another post, reference your original one and let the them know what happened.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Top 10 Best Unknown Websites - 2010 Addition
10. 27 B Slash 6 - Unusual name, unusual website. This funny funny website, run by Australian Web Designer (maybe?) David Thorne, mostly consists of e-mail exchanges of David screwing with people. These people range from landlords, gym staff, and coworkers. You might recognize this site from the Spider Drawing Story, but there are a dozen more hilarious e-mail exchanges on the site. Also a somewhat under the radar article are his son's rants on every day life.
9. Awkward Family Photos - They could be a little more strict with what they allow on their website, but Awkward Family Photos is still an entertaining time killer. The website is exactly what it sounds like...a list of awkward family photos.
8. Passive Aggressive Notes - Ever receive a "not so nice" e-mail or note? Submit to this blogging website and you'll likely see it appear in a future post. Passive Aggressive Notes is entirely made up individuals submitting passive aggressive notes they come across to the website hosts who post it and blog about it. Very addicting.
7. People of Walmart - This site might make you think twice before enterting a Walmart again (or maybe it will entice you to go even more). People of Walmart highlights the weirdest breed of Walmart customers via hilarious pictures.
6. Who's Your Champion - From Chuck Norris to Epic Beard Man, if you can think of a true "champion" you'll likely find them on here. Who's Your Champion is a website that allows you to submit who you think is a champion and vote for other people's submissions. Submissions includes a bio of the person, video, and various imagery. This is a great site to find a ton of "wtf" YouTube gems.
5. Please Rob Me - This is starting to get out of unknown territory given the fact that it was featured on TechCrunch and Mashable (not to mention that it was a front page story on Reddit). This website is just more comical than anything else. It's also a website where you probalbly will visit it once and never come back again. I won't spoil the'll see what I'm referring to when you visit.
4. The Engagement Club - The Engagement Club is a new Social Network that revolves around all things engagement related. Seek advice from the site owner Josh or various forum users, read some educational articles, or see how the love story between Tim and Jill unfold. My personal favorite feature of the site are the proposal videos. They have a directory of various engagement proposal videos sorted by "best", "worst", and "most romantic". Definitely can spend hours watching these.
3. Chatroulette - Chatroulette is exactly how it sounds. It's a random chat program where you don't know who you'll be speaking to. The program allows you to type in your text and see the other person via video. Very interesting and often hilariously entertaining.
2. Lamebook - To me, nothing is funnier than seeing a Facebook Status update gone wrong. Lamebook has a ton of them. You might have to sit through a few of them to find the truly hilarious ones, but definitely worth it once you do.
1. BoxerJam - I put CandyStand as one of my favorite "free online games" websites for my last post. BoxerJam has TONS of extremely addicting games (mostly focused on mind challenging ones which are my favorite). Favorite game here has to be MindStein.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Top 5 New Restaurants in New York City
1. This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef - Brand spanking new, but our favorite. Katz deli needs to watch out because This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef is one of the best sandwich joints I've ever been to. Seriously. Go now before the lines start to pick up because this place will catch on quickly. The menu is limited, but I think this works to their advantage given how great the food is.
Must Have: Pastrami Sandwich (the best I've ever had)
Location: 149 1st Avenue
2. Led Zeppole - Led Zeppole I believe is run by the same owners as This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef (if this is the case, congrats on having two kick ass new eateries). If you have a sweet tooth this place will satisfy your craving and then some. From deep fried Oreos, to soft serve ice cream, to fried dough this place has it all when it comes to desserts. Downside is the size (very small), but might make it's way as the best dessert spot in NYC.
Must Have: Funnel Cake
Location: 328 E 14th St
3. The Tax Club Cafe - You would never guess from the look of their website, but The Tax Club Cafe seems to pride itself on its exclusivity (made evident by the lack of address or phone number information). We'll tell you that it's on Lexington Avenue, but that's all we'll reveal :). The Tax Club Cafe is an American joint that specializes in brunch (although they do serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well). Food is excellent, service is great, just a pain in the ass to find. If you do find it, you'll be in for a treat.
Must Have: Breakfast Risotto with Quail Eggs.
Location: Lexington Ave
4. Matsukado - For those of you looking for a new Asian eatery look no further. If you're a fan of Japanese noodle, this place will be perfect for you as they offer amen, udon and soba. If you're on a budget, this place has plenty of food for a low price as well.
Must Have: Miso Ramen
Location: 104 2nd Ave
5. Carteles - I personally hate the decor (too vibrant), but it doesn't take away from the great food that this Cuban sandwich shop serves up. Service is a little slow (which is the only downside), but you can easily get around this by calling ahead of time. If Cuban sandwiches are your thing..or even if your'e not sure...definitely check this place out.
Must Have: El Cubano
Location: 443 E 6th St
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Ten Celebrities Who Lost Their Lives to Substance Abuse and Addiction
1. DJ AM – Adam “DJ AM” Goldstein died of an accidental overdose on August 28, 2009 in his New York apartment. Goldstein’s autopsy revealed acute intoxication as the cause of his death due to the combined effects of cocaine, oxycodone, Vicodin, Ativan, Klonopin, Xanax, Benadryl and Levamisole. Further reports revealing the presence of nine undigested Oxycontin pills in DJ AM’s system point to suicide as a possible cause of his death.

2. Heath Ledger – Pronounced dead at 3:36 p.m. in his fourth-floor Manhattan apartment on January 22, 2008, actor Heath Ledger lost his life accidentally to acute intoxication from the combined effects of prescription medications including OxyContin, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine.

3. Kurt Cobain – An electrician who entered Kurt Cobain’s Lake Washington home on April 8, 1994 discovered the musician’s lifeless body along with a shotgun and a suicide note. Although he died of a gunshot wound, an autopsy administered to the deceased American songwriter later revealed a high concentration of heroin and traces of Valium in his body, a combination sources believe may have contributed to his mood and behavior that led to his suicide.
4. Chris Farley – On December 18, 1997, Chris Farley’s brother found the American comedian and actor dead in his apartment. An autopsy later revealed that Chris Farley had died of a heart attack, overdosing on a combination of cocaine and morphine early that morning.

5. Judy Garland – American actress and singer Judy Garland died from an overdose of barbiturates in the bathroom of her rented house in Chelsea, London. The ten 1.5-grain Seconal capsules found in Garland’s bloodstream created speculation that her overdose was a suicide, but the lack of inflammation and drug residue in her stomach indicated that she took the drugs over a long period. Judy’s death certificate states that her death had been “accidental.”

6. Jimi Hendrix – Although the death of American guitarist, singer and songwriter Jimi Hendrix has never been fully explained (reports are unclear as to whether his death was a suicide or an accident), an autopsy revealed the presence of nine prescribed Vesperax sleeping pills in Hendrix’s stomach at the time of his death on September 18, 1970.

7. Michael Jackson – Initial reports claimed that painkillers played a role in pop legend Michael Jackson’s death, which occurred at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center on June 25, 2009. However, later reports pointed to additional medications that may have contributed to his death, including the anesthetic Diprivan and medication Jackson had taken for insomnia.

8. Marilyn Monroe – Found dead in the bedroom of her Los Angeles home on August 5, 1962, American actress, singer and model Marilyn Monroe lost her life to acute barbiturate poisoning. Initially listed as a “probable suicide” and later thought to have been a murder, Monroe’s death is one of the most debated conspiracy theories of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

9. Anna Nicole Smith –American model, sex symbol, actress and TV personality Anna Nicole Smith died of combined drug intoxication on February 8, 2007. Smith’s autopsy revealed the presence of Chloral hydrate in her system, the major component that doctors believe caused her death. The sedative became increasingly lethal when combined with the other prescription drugs in her system including four benzodiazepines, Klonopin, Ativan, Serax and Valium, as well as Benadryl and Topamax.

10. John Belushi – Comedian, actor and musician John Adam Belushi, most notably recognized for his work on Saturday Night Live and for his roles in movies National Lampoon’s Animal House and The Blues Brothers, died on March 5, 1982 from a combined injection of cocaine and heroin, a shot known in the drug world as a “speedball.”