Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Top 5 Websites for Freelancers

The thing about freelancing is you have to find your own work, so it's usually good to have as many resources available as possible. Sure we all know elance and odesk, but what else is out there? These five sites are sure to help you find that next job.

1. GoNogging - The site is like a combination of craigslist and your
typical freelancing page. Naturally there are listed jobs for you to take (for musicians there is a lot of opportunities to do jingles), but you can put up images, video, or music you've made for sale, an opportunity not really offered by the other sites on this list.

2. Adveres - Adveres functions as a freelance search engine of sorts. It has an exceptionally large amount of skill areas covered, so it's an easy format to look for jobs based on what your fields of expertise are.

3. List Bid - Extraordinarily straight forward layout. Has a decently sized population.
It concentrates on alot of coding but, there is writing and design jobs interspersed amongst them.

4. Guru - One of the go-to freelance sites. Membership is free but you can also get a paid one. The truth is you're much more likely to get a job with the paid membership, but it's only 30 to 90 dollars a quarter.

5. Pro Blogger Job Board - For anyone with any interest in blog writing, this is the site. If you have any kind of expertise on any subject matter you can likely find a job here. Even if you were looking for programming or graphic design jobs, you could get a job writing about those things.

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